SOP Writing
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are the foundation of documentation in the pharmaceutical industry and connect the processes that are executed with the requirements outlined by health authority regulations. An effective SOP is an SOP that is fit for purpose, meaning that it is written and designed to help the target audience achieve the intended outcome. SOPs provide purpose and instruction for why and how processes are performed. Having well-written and easy to understand SOPs supports consistent, right-first-time process execution.
Learning objectives
- Understand why writing effective SOPs is important
- Define the criteria that are required for an effective SOP
- Explore the basics of technical writing and what makes technical writing unique
- Practice applying quality system design criteria to ensure SOPs are operational (they work) and sustainable (continue to work)
Jazmin Webster (Global training manager)
Dette kursus er for dig som gerne vil optimere dine færdigdigheder indenfor dokumentation in farmaceut industrien, samt dygtiggøre dig og udvide dine kompentencer.
Eksamen og diplom
Du modtager et certifikat ved færdiggørelse af kurset.
The price for this course is 1.295,00 kr. Excl. VAT.
Få information
PharmaAConsultancy er et konsulent og uddannelsescenter for studerende og nyuddannede, som gerne vil ud i life-science industrien. Vi ligger vægt på kvalitet og kontinuerlig udvikling af konsulenterne og kursisternes faglige kompetencer. Hos os sikres du et solidt fundament med de...